Apr 1, 2009


Veryanche- sangatlah tabah dalam menghadapi segala sikap tidak sportif dari para oposisinya. Dicaci, dimaki, dihina, dan dianggap gila. My most freakin' crazy classmate yg baru aja dilantik sbg President baru dari partai CRAZYdent ini, sangking terharunya dia sampai menangis saat pelantikan.

such a verryyyy...FUN day i had today (: most of the lessons are free although we're going to sit the exams NEXT WEEK! and still could be this enjoyable at class. wth. haha.

1st of April everybody.. Happy April Fool Day ! :D
Shelly sent me a very nice text this morning..ah, such a <33
and my pretty friend, Jesicapri Gani, turned to be 15 today !! Happy fifteen darling ! smoochhhhes ;))

Quote of the day:
You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely.

goodnight, xoxo♥

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