Mar 29, 2009

started at 8:07 pm
originally typed by : blog owner, Shelly.
dedicated to : her dearest B.

hey B,

how are you? enjoying your life now? i hope so, cause if you don't, all things happened in this week will just so useless, isn't it?
so what do you want actually? i don't have what they said you want from me half year ago anymore now. friends? love? ideas? attention? just so you know, this is the xxx times you've screwed me like this. again and again i let you go. letting bygone be bygones. i think you're on purpose yes? or you act like you aren't? well you said FORGET IT, please. ok, i will, forget these things, forget these moments, and most of all forget about you. simple yes? tolong kalo bicara lain kali pake mikir dulu ya. ribuan kali uda ak omongin hal ini ke kamu tpi kamu ga juga brubah. capek. rasanya ngomong sama orang idiot. ga digubris. don't try to appologize cause you don't owe me any apology. i don't want anything from you anymore. no more, this is enough. thank you for all. i thanked you very much.

xoxo, i you darn much, B.

ended at : 8.25 pm

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