Feb 10, 2009

it split into two.

what on earth is going on?
i am not showing my emo side,
but here i am going to tell you what makes me so emo these days.

i never want a friend who LIE ON ME.
eventhou we're not close. we even only know each other for several months,
but you should think that no body wants to hear a lie.
I am not judging you as a liar,
but for me, once you lie, i'll just remember you as a liar.
i am not that fool to be fooled aroung by you, girl.
and i really consider you as my friend whom i think i could go on well w/
don't know that it would end like this..
sebenernya uda lama aku sabar" sama kamu ya.. :(
you always act innocently. yeah, that's what bitches do, right??
BIG SORRY, i put no trust on you anymore.

another messed-me-up-news.
my very best friend, both Eveline and Felix moved back to their hometown, Jakarta.
Which means, we wouldn't met until don't-know-where-and-when.
She didn't let me know before.
She informed me just an hour before she got to plane.
And we even didn't met for a farewell... *sigh*
I have been through the same thing twice, dear..

for you*
you made me think that promises are only words spoken.

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