Nov 13, 2008

catch up catch up! i am searching informations for my project ! and i get lost now =="
breast cancer is the topic which we choose for this project.
cause i'm toooooo muuccchhhh curious for this disease since i received an email from my friend containing attachments and infos about breast cancer.
so i'm thinking of widened a little bit of *at least our class' knowledge and people who had read our project later :)
i am editing some from the sources i got from internet and friends, adding some pictures + details.
gotta submit this in our 3rd meeting later! *hurry hurry hurryyyyy !!
so's almost finished! haha. :D
and i still have my 40-made-by-myself-questions&answers + TOEFL hw(s)
*long deep sighh.....
well, enjoy your night, fellows..

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