Aug 4, 2009

not-so-good day :\

well. today is really a not - so - good - day, i think.

First, i saw an accident on my way to school. 2 victims. 1 was laid unconscious with blood spreaded around on the road, and another one couldn't move his feet, but still asking for help.

Second, friends are having some problem - annoying junior, dragged into BP, boyfriend-friend conflict UGH :\

Third, saw another accident on the way home. A truck with the front glass broken and scattered all over the road, and looked like just crashed over smth as the front body was damaged quite serious.

Forth, daddy is home :( yah. I just...don't feel like...ah. i just can't feel him around er..i mean, as a father.

Fifth, thinking of the upcoming exams makes me, well, stressed, as others too. I keep asking my self to be more concern, but all i can do is..yaaaa pasrah :(

Things which only makes me feel better are..cupcakes order, him, andddddd 3 more days

some shoot? here :)

the chain he gave me yesterday

the truck.

OH and anywayyy,
i'm thinking of having yogurt cupcakes for sale. comments?? :)

goodnight people, have a pleasant dream :)

1 comment:

ct_meech said...

yogurt cupcakes?? please make it! i really want to see it!!! :)