Jan 11, 2009

mama said so..

last night went to J's 17th party @ Emerald Garden.
He looked so formal yesterday. neat yet cool =)
so this is the thing : We gave him a little surprise.
I baked him a coffee one, & i swear i never baked some1 a bday cake before.
& i felt different when i baked it. kinda nervous actually.and the result is

the things turned out quite okay, i think.
but then i was trembling while holding the cake. the candles melted so fast okay,
and because of this reason, we should took out 3 candles.
if no, it will be at the very 17 candles.. =(
and some thoughts keep jamming in my mind till now.
ah. idc. better did it than never right? =)

met JD too :)

BIG THANKS TO Alfian Gani & Reynold Andika.
and those who had helped too :)

so last night i slept @ 3. i was exhausted & still talked on phone w/ ag from around 12 to 2 smth.
well, we talked a lot for sure. and the advices given were like from-Daddy-to-his-little-girl one.
haha :p
i barely closed my eyes. still that thoughts were hunting me.
and if what ag said to me about the risk is going to be real, i should prepare.
i know i know. *sigh*

p.s : photos aren't w/ me.
'll upload a bit later :)

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