i will skip my dinner since i am still stuck in the middle and.....................................let's see if i can finish this and still alive or not :\
p.s : i will still ♥ tomorrow for one specific reason :)
I 've said it before, if only you are a pocket-sized guy.. Then i won't have to bear this feeling every moments. It won't be this hard to keep missing you every seconds. Thanks for today...
I *heart* you, Albert Saputra :)
Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense. ~Mark Overby
Well i had a very good times today. Laugh a lot at school, have already got some friends i can catch up well with. yay! :D
And also spending time with him all afternoon. But then a lil bit....... :\ when i littered on our way home just now :p but okay it's my fault so...HAH !
i won't do that again i promised.. k a p o k* :(
below shown picture and video are from KwernerDesign.com