Apr 30, 2009
a day out of school.
second time for this week T_T
WE ( read : ST (me), SH, SC, MM, WM, WW ) went for swimming this morning.
note : ini pertama kali loh kita ber6 bisa spend time bareng out of sch. biasanya ga pernah nih begini. hahaha.
then SH is going to treat us for her birthday @ Sun. arived there at 11. langsung lunch krn dari pagi tuh kita" pada sepakat kosongin perut biar makan banyak. LOL.
but thennnn.... after the pizza came, i suddenly felt nausea again --"
why i always feel so when i am around sun recently ?? : (
then after lunch, we walked around..& stopped at stingers for games. Then, other 5 have to go to sch, cause they don't want to miss school. So they left me alone, & then mr.Saputra came. haha. We went to gramedia & i saw a book teaching us how to cook steak. & That's my new goal. *winkk.
We went for movie : X Men Origins - Wolverine. i have to say it's cool. every part has their own interesting points.. :)
Then we got nth to do after movie, catch a chill @ setarbaks aka starbucks :p
Chat for about 1 hour++ i think.. & he's totally different from my first impression. haha. i told him that i used to think that he is sok cool but then........... LOL.
Went home afterwards.. & i still feel my nausea until now. sigh.
Apr 28, 2009
quote of the night
i skipped my dine and my stomach is screaming OUCH now :'(
thursday im gonna be busybee..
kejar deadlineeee !!! >.<
Someone remembers, someone cares;
Your name is whispered in someone’s prayers.
Apr 27, 2009
just for this repost :)
What is your current obsession?
My cupcakes are loved by anyone who ordered them :)
What is your weirdest obsession?
Have my own yacht. IT'S RIDICULOUS. haha.
What are you wearing today?
pinkish tee & checkered shorts.
What’s for dinner today?
cap chai pui.
Why is today special?
Nothing. err..okay. nothing :p
What would you like to learn to do?
baking ( bread ), cooking France dishes, play guitar, & still, photography.
What’s the last thing you bought?
What are you listening to right now?
Dua- takkan hilang.
What is your favorite weather?
Cloudy & Windy day.
What is your most challenging goal right now?
get into +1 social class & grab the 1st rank
What do you think about the person who tagged you?
She is............
haha. She is KE-POOOOOOOO :p
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
SHELLY KHOO'S VILLA ♥ it's really nice, especially the backyard. >.<
What would you like to have in your hands right now?
Canon Powershoot G10 :'(
What would you like to get rid of?
heartache. uh. haha.
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
new york..new york..new york~
Which language do you want to learn?
France :D
What do you look for in a friend?
Who do you want to meet in person?
someone somewhere :)
What’s your favorite type of music?
Accoustic & Jazz.
What’s the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet?
nothing specific..
What is your dream job?
running a cozy cake shop & coffee shop + My own SHOE LABEL ! :D
Any favorite models?
i dont know her name. She popped out in ftv last night. haha.
If you had £100 now what would you spend it on?
idontknow. Buy a perfect spot to run my cake shop i think. haha.
Favorite designer?
no idea.
Do you admire anyone’s style?
no idea.
Describe your personal style!
no idea. I dressed up based on my mood :)
The rules:
1. respond and rework: answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own. ( i didnt do this part)
2. tag eight other people.I pass this on to:
1. I
2. Can't
3. Tag
4. Anyone
5. cause
6. Mine
7. Isn't
8. Mark & Copy-able :'(
Apr 26, 2009
love is very sour yet sweet :)
* then i got no enough vanilla essence for Brigitte's vanilla hearts so she kindly changed it into chocolate one :'(
* lemon juice jumped into my eyes as i squashed it for the juice & it HURTS :'(
* i don't have any idea for sour lime's dressing :'(
UH. But i love the final :D Brigitte love hers too ! ah~ :D
& i m gg to send my babies later..hope they'll like them :)
and finally :D
Apr 25, 2009
i have nothing to tell today. just that i can't wait any longer to bake again ! :D
Cheline's & Brigitte's orders for tomorrow. kitchen has been booked by mama so i can't use it :o
So i'll sleep earlier tonight & wake up at 6 tomorrow.
Monday is another holiday :( i m just kindof sick of hols these days cause i don't have anything to do besides baking. Well, baking kills boredom too, but I WANT FRIENDS ! I WANT ENTERTAINMENT ! I WANT CHILLS & CHATS ! uuuuuuh T__T
Maybe i won't hang out too tomorrow. Cause the only time i am out of home is when i'll deliver those cupcakes, & maybe for dinner :( so pitty yes?
p.s : I am veggie again today, so might be tomorrow ! :D
eventhough you're just trying to blufffff or whatever.
Thankyou, i m happy :)
Apr 24, 2009
I know, lebayyyy :p
Then after school, me & mama went to buy a new air con. Trus trus. mama park mobil tuh di depan Medan Vegetarian. FYI, me & mama are soooooo in love w/ vegetarian food these days. hahaha. So tanpa mikir' :
me : ya terserah :)
mama : yuk ah, kita uda parkir depan pintunya masa ga makan? :O
me : ohh..yaudah yaudah ! :D
Some people want diamond rings, some just want everything
But everything means nothing, if I ain't got you...
Alicia keys - If I Ain't Got You
Apr 23, 2009
sorry. blame it on me.
For a friend of mine..
I feel guilty after something happened today at school. Something happened between us. I really regret that i didn't take any action for you. I know, you didn't do it on purpose. But then, the rest just dislike you that much. I am lost at that time. Bingung. Antara setuju sama mereka dengan mentolerir ketidaksengajaan kamu. But you have done this several times.. And lama" kita juga engga tahan.. I really wish you could just understand, and change..
Saat dia menjatuhkan kamu, aku kasian. Tapi aku ga sempat buat putar balik keadaan.
I feel really bad. This is getting worse. Friends are going to put no trust on you lately..
Maybe it's just the matter of how we communicate, how you speak out your opinion. We can get along together actually. Really, i mean it. I care about you too. But this turns into dissapointment :(IF YOU THINK THAT I COMPLAINED TOO MUCH,it's up to you to take your decision.
I don't mind, really. Better than if i never try to tell you this things :)
Apr 21, 2009
This is what im thinking : Why do we have to go to school just for 2 lessons? Such a waste of time and energy ! Our energy and also fuel =="
I arrived at sch around 12 today. And my friends weren't there yet --" I texted Wend, asked her to come ASAP, but then she came @ 1.15 pm. argh ! But nvm, i spent time by talkingtalkingtalking w/ Sheila Wiyasih Eagle. HAHA. and nthg much, 2 sociology lessons were wasted by doing stupid assignment.
a little appetite came from X-10
this is Anthony Susanto 's cupcake. His handmade :)
a very familiar one.
you laughed at your own joke,
a very familiar one.
you call me names,
those very familiar one..
Apr 20, 2009
Hey, ain't it good to know that you've got a friend?
People can be so cold.
Theyll hurt you and desert you.
Well theyll take your soul if you let them.
Oh yeah, but dont you let them.
so many things i'd like to talk about.
but then, chance is the only thing what i don't have.
Apr 19, 2009
serasa mau pingsan.
jadi tujuan ak ke sun hari ini selain ngasih cupcakes orderan tuh pengen donorin darah. TAPI... ternyata ga boleh, secara ak blom 18 thn :(
then i had my lunch w/ jeje @ sushitei. i ate too much i think, till i hardly breath. haha.
Then went to sun & met up w/ jeje's bf & friends. Jodhi was there too.
pointless, we ended up chillin' @ j.co. i started feeling nausea.
and when i went home, took my shower anddddd....
i vomited sushies, caramel freeze, and other things i ate today.
that's before i end up blogging here. and i am damn tortured. eerrr.. :(
p.s : JJ blg aku kebentur tembok hari ini. why? haha. i have been so out of ordinary today, SHE SAID.
Apr 18, 2009
Apr 17, 2009
So just this..
Irene Hartanto's Black & White :)
Exam's over. Monday = one day holiday. I swam just now w/ Anita.
i just can't write too much about today..
keep going.. & i'll be just watching.
Apr 16, 2009
F to the R to the double E !
i am FREE finally : D and bahasa is tomorrow's highlights. OH~ FORGET ABOUT IT!
I never study for this test. I am damn lazy to & well, i don't understand why friends are saying this test is damn hard.
"wa ane kia lho..ta pai bo koi lho wa e bahasa.." That's what one of my classmates said to me just now...& i was like -.-"
okay skip skip ! exams over = to-do list datang !! >.<
- cupcake's order.
- full-fill JJ's birthday.
- exercises !! need to sweat again.
- dinner treat for someone :)
- photoshoot
- cupcakes again.
So we spent almost 3 hours chatting & playing with those dogs....and maybe won't stop if it didn't rain just now. hahaha.
ahhh.. i am just so relieved :)
how hard it is to let go.
I won't forget.
well, thanks for your accompany,
Mr. You-know-who-you-are :)
Apr 14, 2009
so i forwarded this chain sms to my friends and see what they replied ! :)
i love this kind of chain sms. LOL
SAT says :
Yg kirim sms nie orgny (gilaks) bget. Aq (tmnan) sm dy. Tp syngny dy nie orgny (ntah la) Aq krg suka sm sifatny yg ska bgt (ap y?)
Tp sisi baiknya, dia orangnya (baeq)
Aq ingin trus jd (tmn)nya. Slamanya ak bakal (ingat) dy.
C55 says :
Yg kirim sms nie orgny (cool) bget. Aq (kagum) sm dy. Tp syngny dy nie orgny (agk galak) Aq krg suka sm sifatny yg ska bgt (idk)
Tp sisi baiknya, dia orangnya (tegar bgt)
Aq ingin trus jd (tmn)nya. Slamanya ak bakal (kagum) dy.
CD says :
Yg kirim sms nie orgny (nice) bget. Aq (seneng) sm dy. Tp syngny dy nie orgny (gk jujur sm prasaan sndiri) Aq krg suka sm sifatny yg ska bgt (menyembunyikan perasaan)
Tp sisi baiknya, dia orangnya (menyenangkan)
Aq ingin trus jd (teman)nya. Slamanya ak bakal (berteman baik sama) dy.
MM says :
Yg kirim sms nie orgny (kurang kerjaan) bget. Aq (syang bged) sm dy. Tp syngny dy nie orgny (galak) Aq krg suka sm sifatny yg ska bgt (pukul org)
Tp sisi baiknya, dia orangnya (kadang suka bagi2 kue)
Aq ingin trus jd (tmn lo klo ga temen mau jwb pa coba? haha)nya. Slamanya ak bakal (ingat) dy.
SH says :
Yg kirim sms nie orgny (pande buat cupcakes) bget. Aq (fans :p) sm dy. Tp syngny dy nie orgny (suka cuci mata liet cowo) Aq krg suka sm sifatny yg ska bgt (foto..wkwk.)
Tp sisi baiknya, dia orangnya (fun)
Aq ingin trus jd (tmn & shbt)nya. Slamanya ak bakal (fans ma) dy. wkwkwkk..
WM says :
Yg kirim sms nie orgny (jahat) bget. Aq (bosen) sm dy. Tp syngny dy nie orgny (pemarah) Aq krg suka sm sifatny yg ska bgt (marah)
Tp sisi baiknya, dia orangnya (nyebelin)
Aq ingin trus jd (tmn/shbt)nya. Slamanya ak bakal (lupaen) dy.
BO says :
Yg kirim sms nie orgny (lucu) bget. Aq (kala) sm dy. Tp syngny dy nie orgny (cuek) Aq krg suka sm sifatny yg ska bgt (trtw)
Tp sisi baiknya, dia orangnya (lucu)
Aq ingin trus jd (tmn)nya. Slamanya ak bakal (ingat) dy.
JH says :
Yg kirim sms nie orgny (pande bkin kue) bget. Aq (salud) sm dy. Tp syngny dy nie orgny (kdg dewasa bgtz kdg childish gtu..) Aq krg suka sm sifatny yg ska bgt (menjerit-jerit. RIBUT TAO!)
Tp sisi baiknya, dia orangnya (care & friendly)
Aq ingin trus jd (shbt)nya. Slamanya ak bakal (p'caya) dy.
YL says :
Yg kirim sms nie orgny (lucu unik kreatif) bget. Aq (kagum) sm dy. Tp syngny dy nie orgny (umm..g tau, he8) Aq krg suka sm sifatny yg ska bgt (...)
Tp sisi baiknya, dia orangnya (supel)
Aq ingin trus jd (tmn)nya. Slamanya ak bakal (keep in touch) dy.
So that's it. Some didn't reply. gee..haha. nvm, it's just my boredom killer :)
credit to them♥ !
more than words..
More than words, is all I ever needed you to show..
sudah bisa dipastikan..tidak ada harapan lagi. pasalnya, semalem tuh bikin orderan birthday cake temen ak, ampe sore uda capek. Siap mandi, makan, duduk, pegang buku BIO + STL tapi duduk depan tv. udah dehh....habis aku !
Cuma berbekal tadi pagi aja blajar 2 jam. WTH..yg kluar dari STL juga cuma bbrp soal. geee..
ga tau deh nasib gw gmn lg -.- But i am sure enough for tomorrow's exam ! :)
Apr 12, 2009
love me.
…so when she has a bad day, all i want to do is hold her, ask why, help her forget, help her smile. but i love her, so when she has a bad day, i know to leave her alone, back off, and realize that i can’t comfort her through some things.
Apr 11, 2009
london bridge is falling down..
<3 cuci mata ke bakery" di medan. phone. :)
So me & Shelly were having this chat while im typing this.
Shelly says (10:51 PM):
make it glamor !
or black & white
[c=0][c=20]♥SheLeh♥[/c]Yoshi[/c] says (10:51 PM):
Shelly says (10:51 PM):
or ntar semua undangan pke black & white then you come out with RED
[c=0][c=20]♥SheLeh♥[/c]Yoshi[/c] says (10:51 PM):
i don want to look so outstand dear
Shelly says (10:52 PM):
it makes you stand out what
its your party come onnnn
if i am over there i'll just make this secret birthday party plan for you
and i'll organized it without you knowing any detail of it !
[c=0][c=20]♥SheLeh♥[/c]Yoshi[/c] says (10:53 PM):
i really look forward for it
but i just so unfortunate
to not having my dearest during my bday
Shelly says (10:56 PM):
: (
dont make me sad
[c=0][c=20]♥SheLeh♥[/c]Yoshi[/c] says (10:57 PM):
i m the one suppose to be sad dear..
i hope i can telepart u from medan to sg
Shelly says (10:59 PM):
if only i could fly..
[c=0][c=20]♥SheLeh♥[/c]Yoshi[/c] says (11:00 PM):
it ok dear. the next best time in our life we r gg to celebrate it tgethet
our wedding..!!
Shelly says (11:02 PM):
yes yes yes
[c=0][c=20]♥SheLeh♥[/c]Yoshi[/c] says (11:02 PM):
Shelly says (11:02 PM):
that time MUST HAVE TO BE !
bride wars???
Apr 10, 2009
an uncomplete puzzle.
we went on trip together, walk to school together, escaped from school together, being punished together, spent evening time together, morning jog together, watching dvds and dress up together.
I miss you do nail polish for me. I miss you curl my hair. I miss you come to my house and say "Roti mama mu enak shel !". I miss your mumbles. I miss us who always criticized each other. I miss your mom & dad. I miss you elder sister and chubby younger one. I miss your fcuking iritating brother. I miss your dog. I miss the songs we used to share.
It's just that i miss you..
my dear friend.
Apr 9, 2009
i am living in my fantasy
Trus kerjain soal" kimia yang ditugasin sama guru les ku tercinta, mwahmwah --"
sekilas ttg guru les ku ini ya, dia meski uda punya 1 anak + 1 lagi bakalan nyusul in the next few months tapi tetep aja sense na sense anak abege gitu. haha. jadi dia ngertiin banget kita" murid na kalo lagi males, bad mood, risih gara" lagi dapet, putus cinta, abis dimarahin bonyok ato apalah! hee.. ;p
abis kerjain soal uda jam 1 rupanya. lunch bentar...tiba" hasrat ku muncul. LOL.
ya! pengen baking ! pertama pengen bikin cookies buat snack dirumah, tapi berhubung males ngaduk pake tangan, yah ak bikin vanilla milk muffin kali ini, soalnya bosen juga sama choco :D
1 resep dapet 10. lumayan deh.. :))
masi kliatan aga pucat sih warnanya, soalnya ga pake api atas. hee..
trus rasanya juga way too milky sih. tapi wangiiiii banget :D
order will be available again on 17th April.
Thank you ♥
trus dari tadi pagi ampe 5 menit yg lalu, ga ada yang nyariin ! HAHA. hape sepii -.-
I'll be hearing my own foot steps under Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember me...
Apr 8, 2009
longing for..
then another one sex-maniac suddenly added me on msn, buzz me &...asked me about +17 things which i really couldn't reply at all ! I am really ashamed at that time and w/out thinking much more, i blocked him up & delete ! Fiuuhh.. what a relieve..
MSN really such a trouble sometimes ya? .......& the PM tracker?
But you've got a temper too.
So when they see us start to fuss and fight,
I guess they think we're through.
But if they're judging us by what they see,
Then they don't have a clue
about you and me♥
Apr 7, 2009
i am in love with you
don't you guys think he really sounds like JMraz? & i straightly downloaded his album hahaha.
idk, i love his genre sooooo much.
eh well, i thought i won't be able to blog tonight. but then i had finished studying for tomorrow's exam. well, im not really sure for my eco. got so many formulas in those chapters which buuuuzzzzzzzed my head :S
anyway, congrats Stella Lowis for making a goal to the 10 finalist ! :D
I have found the paradox,
that if you love until it hurts,
there can be no more hurt, only more love..
Apr 6, 2009
alcohol addict (?)
Another day has gone..
I m scared to think about any possibilities..
Dear, you should know that this will happen- sooner or later, yes?
Wend didn't come to school today & that makes me feel quit bored. Went home @ 1 and cleaned up my self, lunch, & sat here directly. Physics is the highlights. Gg to have my tuition in some more minutes.
OH~! I met Mr. Tony-the director of IEC, Ms. Sorry-I-forget-her-name-who used to teach me, & Mr. Simon(?)-i guess- in school's adm today. Well it has been around 2 years i didn't met them, but happy that they still recognized me! :D
So we chat some craps around and have to go cause the bell rang at that time. Mr. Tony is always extremeeeeeeeely gorgeous! ;p
and tonight, im going to make smth for WesliJovial, which has been asked by him for a week :)
p.s : ga online sampe sabtu :)
Apr 5, 2009
it's 2 days to go.
ok i know it's for my own good, but i just can't stand it. More over it's PHYSICS. i never did good enough in physics. never strike out from 75 : ( and i know it's a right decision for me to let the social class lead my future next year. sighss..
it's for you.
Apr 4, 2009
Apr 3, 2009
time flies : (
so, i was quit busy for cupcakes these days and this makes me happy for sure ! : D
friends keep asked for more, more and more cupcakes and there's one of them who was actually saying to me that she has been waiting (n)days for my cupcakes, but then she always come late and get nothing. But i promised her that she'll definitely get as many as she wants on Monday : )
and exams is getting closer ! 3 days to go & i only have 50% preparation. sucks. i think i won't score well this time : (
physics kill me slowly but sure. and i have to survive for social class -.-
*excuse for what i am typing here, i dont really know what am i going to say. duh!
tututu-tuition tomorrow morning at 8!! Alarmed me , please : S
Apr 1, 2009
1st of April everybody.. Happy April Fool Day ! :D
Shelly sent me a very nice text this morning..ah, such a <33
and my pretty friend, Jesicapri Gani, turned to be 15 today !! Happy fifteen darling ! smoochhhhes ;))
You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely.